.. _client-howto: Using ZOO-Client ================== This section will help you to get started using :ref:`ZOO-Client `. Prerequisites ---------------------- ZOO-Client is based on the following Javascript libraries - jQuery (`http://www.jquery.com `_) - x2js (`https://code.google.com/p/x2js `_) - Require.js (`http://requirejs.org `_ ) - Hogan.js (`http://twitter.github.io/hogan.js `_ ) - query-string (`https://github.com/sindresorhus/query-string `_ ) .. warning:: `Node.js `__ is also required on your system for compiling ZOO-Client templates. Download ----------------------- If you did not :ref:`download ` the ZOO-Project source code already, please proceed to a svn checkout with the following command: :: svn checkout http://svn.zoo-project.org/svn/trunk/zoo-project/zoo-client .. warning:: You do not necessarily need to :ref:`install ` the ZOO-Project server for using ZOO-Client. The corresponding svn `directory `__ is needed only. Compiling ZOO-Client templates --------------------------- In order to work with ZOO-Client, you will first need to compile the provided `Mustache `_ templates using `Node.js `__. The ZOO-Client templates are located in the ``/zoo-project/zoo-client/lib/tpl`` directory downloaded from svn. * Install Node.js (see related `documentation `__.) * Install Hogan, the JavaScript templating engine, using the following command: :: sudo npm install hogan * Use Hulk (Hogan's command line utility) for compiling the tempaltes using the following command: :: hulk zoo-client/lib/tpl/*mustache > \ zoo-client/lib/js/wps-client/payloads.js .. warning:: Using different versions of Hogan to compile and to use in a web application may lead to compatibility issue. Everything is now ready to work with :ref:`ZOO-Client `. Read the :ref:`next section ` for an example JavaScript application. Building ZOO-Client documentation -------------------------- You may also build the ZOO-Client API documentation using `jsDoc `__, with the following command: :: npm install jsdoc ~/node_modules/.bin/jsdoc zoo-client/lib/js/wps-client/* -p This will build HTML documentation in a new directory named ``/out`` in your working directory.