.. _process-profiles: Process profiles registry ================ WPS Services belonging to the same Services provider often share the same inputs and outputs. In such a case, every :ref:`ZCFG ` file would contain the same metadata information and this may be a waste of time to write them all. :ref:`ZOO-Kernel ` is able to handle metadata inheritance from `rev. 607 `__, and this solves the issue of writing many ZCFG with same input and output. A registry can be loaded (before any other ZCFG files) and contain a set of Process Profiles organized in hierarchic levels according to the following rules: * *Concept*: The higher level in the hierarchy. *Concepts* are basic text files containing an abstract description of a WPS Service. * *Generic*: A *Generic* profile can make reference to *Concepts*. It defines inputs and outputs without data format or maximum size limitation. * *Implementation*: An *Implementation* profile can inherit from a generic profile and make reference to concepts. It contains all the metadata information about a particular WPS Service (see :ref:`ZCFG reference ` for more information). Both *Generic* and *Implementation* process profiles are created from :ref:`ZCFG ` files and stored in the registry sub-directories according to their level (*Concept*, *Generic* or *Implementation*). To activate the registry, you have to add a ``registry`` key to the ``[main]`` section of your ``main.cfg`` file, and set its value to the directory path used to store the profile ZCFG files. Generic Process Profile ----------------------- A Generic Process Profile is a ZCFG file located in the ``generic`` sub-directory, it defines `main metadata information `__, inputs and outputs name, basic metadata and multiplicity. It can make reference to a concept by defining a ``concept`` key in the `main metadata information `__ part. You can find below the `GO.zcfg` file, a typical Generic Process Profile for Generic Geographic Operation, taking one InputPolygon input parameter and returning a result named Result, it make reference to the ``GOC`` concept: .. code-block:: none :linenos: [GO] Title = Geographic Operation Abstract = Geographic Operation on exactly one input, returning one output concept = GOC level = generic statusSupported = true storeSupported = true [InputPolygon] Title = the geographic data Abstract = the geographic data to run geographipc operation minOccurs = 1 maxOccurs = 1 [Result] Title = the resulting data Abstract = the resulting data after processing the operation .. Note:: if you need to reference more than one concept, you should separate their names with a comma (ie. concept = GO,GB), Process Implementation Profile ------------------------------ A Process Implementation Profile is similar to a `ZCFG file `__ located in the `implementation` sub-directory, it defines (or inherit from its parent) all the properties of a `Generic Process Profile <#generic-process-profile>`__ and specify `Data Format `__ for both inputs and outputs. It can make reference to a concept by defining a ``concept`` key in the `main metadata information `__ part. You can find below the `VectorOperation.zcfg` file, a typical Process Implementation Profile for Vector Geographic Operation, it inherit from the `GP generic profile <#generic-process-profile>`__: .. code-block:: none :linenos: [VectorOperation] Title = Vector Geographic Operation Abstract = Apply a Vector Geographic Operation on a features collection and return the resulting features collection extend = GO level = profile [InputPolygon] Title = the vector data Abstract = the vector data to run geographic operation mimeType = text/xml encoding = UTF-8 schema = http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd mimeType = application/json encoding = UTF-8 extension = js [Result] Title = the resulting data Abstract = the resulting geographic data after processing the operation mimeType = text/xml encoding = UTF-8 schema = http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd mimeType = application/json encoding = UTF-8 extension = js ZCFG inheritance ---------------------------------- For the ZCFG files at the service level, you can inherit the metadata from a Process Implementation Profile available in the registry. As before, you simply need to add a ``extend`` key refering the ZCFG you want to inherit from and a ``level`` key taking the `ìmplementation`` value to your main metadata informations. So, for example, the original `ConvexHull.zcfg `__ may be rewritten as: .. code-block:: none :linenos: [ConvexHull] Title = Compute convex hull. Abstract = Return a feature collection that represents the convex hull of each geometry from the input collection. serviceProvider = ogr_service.zo serviceType = C extend = VectorOperation level = implementation Now, suppose that your service is able to return the result in KML format, then you may write the following: .. code-block:: none :linenos: [ConvexHull] Title = Compute convex hull. Abstract = Return a feature collection that represents the convex hull of each geometry from the input collection. serviceProvider = ogr_service.zo serviceType = C extend = VectorOperation level = implementation [Result] mimeType = application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml encoding = utf-8