/* * Author : GĂ©rald Fenoy * * Copyright 2008-2015 GeoLabs SARL. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include "server_internal.h" #include "response_print.h" #include "mimetypes.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include #endif int getVersionId(const char* version){ int schemaId=0; for(;schemaId<2;schemaId++){ if(strncasecmp(version,schemas[schemaId][0],5)==0) return schemaId; } return 0; } /** * Extract the service identifier from the full service identifier * ie: * - Full service name: OTB.BandMath * - Service name: BandMath * * @param conf the maps containing the settings of the main.cfg file * @param conf_dir the full path to the ZOO-Kernel directory * @param identifier the full service name (potentialy including a prefix, ie: * Prefix.MyService) * @param buffer the resulting service identifier (without any prefix) */ void parseIdentifier(maps* conf,char* conf_dir,char *identifier,char* buffer){ setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","oIdentifier",identifier); char *lid=zStrdup(identifier); char *saveptr1; char *tmps1=strtok_r(lid,".",&saveptr1); int level=0; char key[25]; char levels[18]; while(tmps1!=NULL){ char *test=zStrdup(tmps1); char* tmps2=(char*)malloc((strlen(test)+2)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(key,"sprefix_%d",level); sprintf(tmps2,"%s.",test); sprintf(levels,"%d",level); setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","level",levels); setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv",key,tmps2); free(tmps2); free(test); level++; tmps1=strtok_r(NULL,".",&saveptr1); } int i=0; sprintf(buffer,"%s",conf_dir); for(i=0;ivalue); free(tmp0); buffer[strlen(buffer)-1]=0; if(i+1value)==0){ char *tmp01=zStrdup(tmp00->value); tmp01[strlen(tmp01)-1]=0; setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","metapath",tmp01); free(tmp01); tmp01=NULL; } else{ if(tmp00!=NULL && tmpMap!=NULL){ char *tmp00s=zStrdup(tmp00->value); tmp00s[strlen(tmp00s)-1]=0; char *value=(char*)malloc((strlen(tmp00s)+strlen(tmpMap->value)+2)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(value,"%s/%s",tmpMap->value,tmp00s); setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","metapath",value); free(value); free(tmp00s); value=NULL; } } }else{ char *tmp01=zStrdup(tmp00->value); tmp01[strlen(tmp01)-1]=0; setMapInMaps(conf,"lenv","Identifier",tmp01); free(tmp01); } } char *tmp0=zStrdup(buffer); sprintf(buffer,"%s.zcfg",tmp0); free(tmp0); free(lid); } /** * Converts a hex character to its integer value * * @param ch the char to convert * @return the converted char */ char from_hex(char ch) { return isdigit(ch) ? ch - '0' : tolower(ch) - 'a' + 10; } /** * Converts an integer value to its hec character * * @param code the char to convert * @return the converted char */ char to_hex(char code) { static char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef"; return hex[code & 15]; } /** * URLEncode an url * * @param str the url to encode * @return a url-encoded version of str * @warning be sure to free() the returned string after use */ char *url_encode(char *str) { char *pstr = str, *buf = (char*) malloc(strlen(str) * 3 + 1), *pbuf = buf; while (*pstr) { if (isalnum(*pstr) || *pstr == '-' || *pstr == '_' || *pstr == '.' || *pstr == '~') *pbuf++ = *pstr; else if (*pstr == ' ') *pbuf++ = '+'; else *pbuf++ = '%', *pbuf++ = to_hex(*pstr >> 4), *pbuf++ = to_hex(*pstr & 15); pstr++; } *pbuf = '\0'; return buf; } /** * Decode an URLEncoded url * * @param str the URLEncoded url to decode * @return a url-decoded version of str * @warning be sure to free() the returned string after use */ char *url_decode(char *str) { char *pstr = str, *buf = (char*) malloc(strlen(str) + 1), *pbuf = buf; while (*pstr) { if (*pstr == '%') { if (pstr[1] && pstr[2]) { *pbuf++ = from_hex(pstr[1]) << 4 | from_hex(pstr[2]); pstr += 2; } } else if (*pstr == '+') { *pbuf++ = ' '; } else { *pbuf++ = *pstr; } pstr++; } *pbuf = '\0'; return buf; } /** * Verify if a given language is listed in the lang list defined in the [main] * section of the main.cfg file. * * @param conf the map containing the settings from the main.cfg file * @param str the specific language * @return 1 if the specific language is listed, -1 in other case. */ int isValidLang(maps* conf,const char *str){ map *tmpMap=getMapFromMaps(conf,"main","lang"); char *tmp=zStrdup(tmpMap->value); char *pToken,*saveptr; pToken=strtok_r(tmp,",",&saveptr); int res=-1; char *pToken1,*saveptr1; pToken1=strtok_r(tmp,",",&saveptr1); while(pToken1!=NULL){ while(pToken!=NULL){ if(strcasecmp(pToken1,pToken)==0){ res=1; break; } pToken=strtok_r(NULL,",",&saveptr); } pToken1=strtok_r(NULL,",",&saveptr1); } free(tmp); return res; } /** * Access the value of the encoding key in a maps * * @param m the maps to search for the encoding key * @return the value of the encoding key in a maps if encoding key exists, * "UTF-8" in other case. */ char* getEncoding(maps* m){ if(m!=NULL){ map* tmp=getMap(m->content,"encoding"); if(tmp!=NULL){ return tmp->value; } else return (char*)"UTF-8"; } else return (char*)"UTF-8"; } /** * Access the value of the version key in a maps * * @param m the maps to search for the version key * @return the value of the version key in a maps if encoding key exists, * "1.0.0" in other case. */ char* getVersion(maps* m){ if(m!=NULL){ map* tmp=getMap(m->content,"version"); if(tmp!=NULL){ return tmp->value; } else return (char*)"1.0.0"; } else return (char*)"1.0.0"; } /** * Read a file generated by a service. * * @param m the conf maps * @param content the output item * @param filename the file to read */ void readGeneratedFile(maps* m,map* content,char* filename){ FILE * file=fopen(filename,"rb"); if(file==NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open file %s for reading purpose.\n",filename); setMapInMaps(m,"lenv","message","Unable to read produced file. Please try again later"); return ; } fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); long count = ftell(file); rewind(file); struct stat file_status; stat(filename, &file_status); map* tmpMap1=getMap(content,"value"); if(tmpMap1==NULL){ addToMap(content,"value",""); tmpMap1=getMap(content,"value"); } free(tmpMap1->value); tmpMap1->value=(char*) malloc((count+1)*sizeof(char)); fread(tmpMap1->value,1,count,file); tmpMap1->value[count]=0; fclose(file); char rsize[1000]; sprintf(rsize,"%ld",count); addToMap(content,"size",rsize); } /** * Write a file from value and length * * @param fname the file name * @param val the value * @param length the value length */ int writeFile(char* fname,char* val,int length){ FILE* of=fopen(fname,"wb"); if(of==NULL){ return -1; } size_t ret=fwrite(val,sizeof(char),length,of); if(retcontent,"mimeType")!=NULL && getMap(inputs->content,"cache_file")==NULL){ map* cMap=inputs->content; if(getMap(cMap,"length")!=NULL){ map* tmpLength=getMap(cMap,"length"); int len=atoi(tmpLength->value); int k=0; for(k=0;kvalue : NULL, file_ext, 32); char* val=(char*)malloc((strlen(tmpPath->value)+strlen(inputs->name)+strlen(tmpSid->value)+strlen(file_ext)+16)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(val,"%s/Input_%s_%s_%d.%s",tmpPath->value,inputs->name,tmpSid->value,k,file_ext); length=0; if(cSize!=NULL){ length=atoi(cSize->value); } writeFile(val,cValue->value,length); setMapArray(cMap,"cache_file",k,val); free(val); } }else{ int length=0; map* cMimeType=getMap(cMap,"mimeType"); map* cValue=getMap(cMap,"value"); map* cSize=getMap(cMap,"size"); char file_ext[32]; getFileExtension(cMimeType != NULL ? cMimeType->value : NULL, file_ext, 32); char *val=(char*)malloc((strlen(tmpPath->value)+strlen(inputs->name)+strlen(tmpSid->value)+strlen(file_ext)+16)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(val,"%s/Input_%s_%s_%d.%s",tmpPath->value,inputs->name,tmpSid->value,0,file_ext); if(cSize!=NULL){ length=atoi(cSize->value); } writeFile(val,cValue->value,length); addToMap(cMap,"cache_file",val); free(val); } } inputs=inputs->next; } } /** * Base64 encoding of a char* * * @param input the value to encode * @param length the value length * @return the buffer containing the base64 value * @warning make sure to free the returned value */ char *base64(const char *input, int length) { BIO *bmem, *b64; BUF_MEM *bptr; b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64()); BIO_set_flags(b64, BIO_FLAGS_BASE64_NO_NL); bmem = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()); b64 = BIO_push(b64, bmem); BIO_write(b64, input, length); BIO_flush(b64); BIO_get_mem_ptr(b64, &bptr); char *buff = (char *)malloc((bptr->length+1)*sizeof(char)); memcpy(buff, bptr->data, bptr->length); buff[bptr->length] = 0; BIO_free_all(b64); return buff; } /** * Base64 decoding of a char* * * @param input the value to decode * @param length the value length * @param red the value length * @return the buffer containing the base64 value * @warning make sure to free the returned value */ char *base64d(const char *input, int length,int* red) { BIO *b64, *bmem; char *buffer = (char *)malloc(length); if(buffer){ memset(buffer, 0, length); b64 = BIO_new(BIO_f_base64()); if(b64){ bmem = BIO_new_mem_buf((unsigned char*)input,length); bmem = BIO_push(b64, bmem); *red=BIO_read(bmem, buffer, length); buffer[length-1]=0; BIO_free_all(bmem); } } return buffer; } /** * Read Base64 value and split it value by lines of 64 char. * * @param in the map containing the value to split */ void readBase64(map **in){ char *res = NULL; char *curs = (*in)->value; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i <= strlen ((*in)->value) / 64; i++) { if (res == NULL) res = (char *) malloc (65 * sizeof (char)); else res = (char *) realloc (res, (((i + 1) * 65) + i) * sizeof (char)); int csize = i * 65; strncpy (res + csize, curs, 64); if (i == strlen ((*in)->value) / 64) strcat (res, "\n\0"); else { strncpy (res + (((i + 1) * 64) + i), "\n\0", 2); curs += 64; } } free ((*in)->value); (*in)->value = zStrdup (res); free (res); } /** * Add the default values defined in the zcfg to a maps. * * @param out the maps containing the inputs or outputs given in the initial * HTTP request * @param in the description of all inputs or outputs available for a service * @param m the maps containing the settings of the main.cfg file * @param type 0 for inputs and 1 for outputs * @param err the map to store potential missing mandatory input parameters or * wrong output names depending on the type. * @return "" if no error was detected, the name of last input or output causing * an error. */ char* addDefaultValues(maps** out,elements* in,maps* m,int type,map** err){ map *res=*err; elements* tmpInputs=in; maps* out1=*out; char *result=NULL; int nb=0; if(type==1){ while(out1!=NULL){ if(getElements(in,out1->name)==NULL){ if(res==NULL){ res=createMap("value",out1->name); }else{ setMapArray(res,"value",nb,out1->name); } nb++; result=out1->name; } out1=out1->next; } if(res!=NULL){ *err=res; return result; } out1=*out; } while(tmpInputs!=NULL){ maps *tmpMaps=getMaps(out1,tmpInputs->name); if(tmpMaps==NULL){ maps* tmpMaps2=(maps*)malloc(MAPS_SIZE); tmpMaps2->name=strdup(tmpInputs->name); tmpMaps2->content=NULL; tmpMaps2->next=NULL; if(type==0){ map* tmpMapMinO=getMap(tmpInputs->content,"minOccurs"); if(tmpMapMinO!=NULL){ if(atoi(tmpMapMinO->value)>=1){ freeMaps(&tmpMaps2); free(tmpMaps2); if(res==NULL){ res=createMap("value",tmpInputs->name); }else{ setMapArray(res,"value",nb,tmpInputs->name); } nb++; result=tmpInputs->name; } else{ if(tmpMaps2->content==NULL) tmpMaps2->content=createMap("minOccurs",tmpMapMinO->value); else addToMap(tmpMaps2->content,"minOccurs",tmpMapMinO->value); } } if(res==NULL){ map* tmpMaxO=getMap(tmpInputs->content,"maxOccurs"); if(tmpMaxO!=NULL){ if(tmpMaps2->content==NULL) tmpMaps2->content=createMap("maxOccurs",tmpMaxO->value); else addToMap(tmpMaps2->content,"maxOccurs",tmpMaxO->value); } map* tmpMaxMB=getMap(tmpInputs->content,"maximumMegabytes"); if(tmpMaxMB!=NULL){ if(tmpMaps2->content==NULL) tmpMaps2->content=createMap("maximumMegabytes",tmpMaxMB->value); else addToMap(tmpMaps2->content,"maximumMegabytes",tmpMaxMB->value); } } } if(res==NULL){ iotype* tmpIoType=tmpInputs->defaults; if(tmpIoType!=NULL){ map* tmpm=tmpIoType->content; while(tmpm!=NULL){ if(tmpMaps2->content==NULL) tmpMaps2->content=createMap(tmpm->name,tmpm->value); else addToMap(tmpMaps2->content,tmpm->name,tmpm->value); tmpm=tmpm->next; } } addToMap(tmpMaps2->content,"inRequest","false"); if(type==0){ map *tmpMap=getMap(tmpMaps2->content,"value"); if(tmpMap==NULL) addToMap(tmpMaps2->content,"value","NULL"); } if(out1==NULL){ *out=dupMaps(&tmpMaps2); out1=*out; } else addMapsToMaps(&out1,tmpMaps2); freeMap(&tmpMaps2->content); free(tmpMaps2->content); tmpMaps2->content=NULL; freeMaps(&tmpMaps2); free(tmpMaps2); tmpMaps2=NULL; } } else{ iotype* tmpIoType=getIoTypeFromElement(tmpInputs,tmpInputs->name, tmpMaps->content); if(type==0) { /** * In case of an Input maps, then add the minOccurs and maxOccurs to the * content map. */ map* tmpMap1=getMap(tmpInputs->content,"minOccurs"); if(tmpMap1!=NULL){ if(tmpMaps->content==NULL) tmpMaps->content=createMap("minOccurs",tmpMap1->value); else addToMap(tmpMaps->content,"minOccurs",tmpMap1->value); } map* tmpMaxO=getMap(tmpInputs->content,"maxOccurs"); if(tmpMaxO!=NULL){ if(tmpMaps->content==NULL) tmpMaps->content=createMap("maxOccurs",tmpMaxO->value); else addToMap(tmpMaps->content,"maxOccurs",tmpMaxO->value); } map* tmpMaxMB=getMap(tmpInputs->content,"maximumMegabytes"); if(tmpMaxMB!=NULL){ if(tmpMaps->content==NULL) tmpMaps->content=createMap("maximumMegabytes",tmpMaxMB->value); else addToMap(tmpMaps->content,"maximumMegabytes",tmpMaxMB->value); } /** * Parsing BoundingBoxData, fill the following map and then add it to * the content map of the Input maps: * lowerCorner, upperCorner, srs and dimensions * cf. parseBoundingBox */ if(tmpInputs->format!=NULL && strcasecmp(tmpInputs->format,"BoundingBoxData")==0){ maps* tmpI=getMaps(*out,tmpInputs->name); if(tmpI!=NULL){ map* tmpV=getMap(tmpI->content,"value"); if(tmpV!=NULL){ char *tmpVS=strdup(tmpV->value); map* tmp=parseBoundingBox(tmpVS); free(tmpVS); map* tmpC=tmp; while(tmpC!=NULL){ addToMap(tmpMaps->content,tmpC->name,tmpC->value); tmpC=tmpC->next; } freeMap(&tmp); free(tmp); } } } } if(tmpIoType!=NULL){ map* tmpContent=tmpIoType->content; map* cval=NULL; int hasPassed=-1; while(tmpContent!=NULL){ if((cval=getMap(tmpMaps->content,tmpContent->name))==NULL){ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"addDefaultValues %s => %s\n",tmpContent->name,tmpContent->value); #endif if(tmpMaps->content==NULL) tmpMaps->content=createMap(tmpContent->name,tmpContent->value); else addToMap(tmpMaps->content,tmpContent->name,tmpContent->value); if(hasPassed<0 && type==0 && getMap(tmpMaps->content,"isArray")!=NULL){ map* length=getMap(tmpMaps->content,"length"); int i; char *tcn=strdup(tmpContent->name); for(i=1;ivalue);i++){ #ifdef DEBUG dumpMap(tmpMaps->content); fprintf(stderr,"addDefaultValues %s_%d => %s\n",tcn,i,tmpContent->value); #endif int len=strlen((char*) tcn); char *tmp1=(char *)malloc((len+10)*sizeof(char)); sprintf(tmp1,"%s_%d",tcn,i); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr,"addDefaultValues %s => %s\n",tmp1,tmpContent->value); #endif addToMap(tmpMaps->content,tmp1,tmpContent->value); free(tmp1); hasPassed=1; } free(tcn); } } tmpContent=tmpContent->next; } #ifdef USE_MS /** * check for useMapServer presence */ map* tmpCheck=getMap(tmpIoType->content,"useMapServer"); if(tmpCheck!=NULL){ // Get the default value tmpIoType=getIoTypeFromElement(tmpInputs,tmpInputs->name,NULL); tmpCheck=getMap(tmpMaps->content,"mimeType"); addToMap(tmpMaps->content,"requestedMimeType",tmpCheck->value); map* cursor=tmpIoType->content; while(cursor!=NULL){ addToMap(tmpMaps->content,cursor->name,cursor->value); cursor=cursor->next; } cursor=tmpInputs->content; while(cursor!=NULL){ if(strcasecmp(cursor->name,"Title")==0 || strcasecmp(cursor->name,"Abstract")==0) addToMap(tmpMaps->content,cursor->name,cursor->value); cursor=cursor->next; } } #endif } if(tmpMaps->content==NULL) tmpMaps->content=createMap("inRequest","true"); else addToMap(tmpMaps->content,"inRequest","true"); } tmpInputs=tmpInputs->next; } if(res!=NULL){ *err=res; return result; } return ""; } /** * Access the last error message returned by the OS when trying to dynamically * load a shared library. * * @return the last error message * @warning The character string returned from getLastErrorMessage resides * in a static buffer. The application should not write to this * buffer or attempt to free() it. */ char* getLastErrorMessage() { #ifdef WIN32 LPVOID lpMsgBuf; DWORD errCode = GetLastError(); static char msg[ERROR_MSG_MAX_LENGTH]; size_t i; DWORD length = FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, errCode, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); #ifdef UNICODE wcstombs_s( &i, msg, ERROR_MSG_MAX_LENGTH, (wchar_t*) lpMsgBuf, _TRUNCATE ); #else strcpy_s( msg, ERROR_MSG_MAX_LENGTH, (char *) lpMsgBuf ); #endif LocalFree(lpMsgBuf); return msg; #else return dlerror(); #endif }