.. _services-howtos: How To Setup ZOO Services ========================= :Last Updated: $Date: 2011-07-16 13:26:31 +0000 (Sat, 16 Jul 2011) $ :Id: $Id: howtos.txt 272 2011-07-16 13:26:31Z david $ :Author: $Author: david $ :HeadURL: $HeadURL: trunk/docs/services/howtos.txt $ ZOO Services are quiet easy to create once you have install ZOO Kernel and that you have chosen a code to turn into a ZOO service. Here are some HelloWorlds in Python, PHP, Java and JavaScript with link to the correpondant .zcfg files. Python ------ You'll find here informations needed to deploy your own Python Services Provider. Python ZCFG requirements ************************ For each Services providen by your ZOO Python Services Provider, the ZCFG File have to be named as the Python module function name. The ZCFG file should contain the following : serviceType Python serviceProvider the name of the Python module to use as a ZOO Service Provider. For instance, if your script, located in the same directory as your ZOO Kernel, was named my_module.py then you should use my_module (the Python module name) as serviceProvider value in ZCFG file. Python Data Structure used ************************** The Python module's function to be used as a service have to : - take three arguments : the main configuration, inputs and outputs maps are passed to the Python module as dictionaries. - return an integer : corresopnding to the service status code. Sample Data Structure ********************* In the following you 'll find a sample argument passed to the Python module's function for the two first main configuration file' sections. :: main={ "main": {"encoding": "utf-8", "version": "1.0.0", "serverAddress": "http://www.zoo-project.org/zoo/", "lang": "fr-FR,en-CA"}, "identification": {"title": "The Zoo WPS Development Server", "abstract": "Development version of ZooWPS.", "fees": "None", "accessConstraints": "none", "keywords": "WPS,GIS,buffer"} } Sample ZOO Python Services Provider *********************************** The following code represent a simple ZOO Python Services Provider which provides only one Service, the HelloPy one. .. code-block:: python import sys def HelloPy(conf,inputs,outputs): outputs["Result"]["value"]="Hello "+inputs["a"]["value"]+" from Python World !" return 3 PHP --- .. code-block:: php Java ---- .. code-block:: java import java.util.*; public class HelloJava { public static int HelloWorldJava(HashMap conf,HashMap inputs, HashMap outputs) { HashMap hm1 = new HashMap(); hm1.put("dataType","string"); HashMap tmp=(HashMap)(inputs.get("S")); java.lang.String v=tmp.get("value").toString(); hm1.put("value","Hello "+v+" from JAVA WOrld !"); outputs.put("Result",hm1); System.err.println("Hello from JAVA WOrld !"); return 3; } } Javascript ---------- .. code-block:: javascript function hellojs(conf,inputs,outputs){ outputs=new Array(); outputs[0]={}; outputs[0]["result"]["value"]="Hello "+inputs[0]["S"]["value"]+" from JS World !"; return Array(3,outputs); }