[Intersects] Title = Intersects test Abstract = This service shall return a true value if and only if the geometries g1 and g2 have at least one boundary point in common, but no interior points. Profile = urn:ogc:wps:1.0.0:union processVersion = 2 storeSupported = true statusSupported = true serviceProvider = ogr_service.zo serviceType = C [InputEntity1] Title = the first geometry Abstract = the first geometry to compare against. minOccurs = 1 maxOccurs = 1 mimeType = text/xml encoding = UTF-8 schema = http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd mimeType = text/xml encoding = base64 schema = http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd [InputEntity2] Title = the other geometry Abstract = the other geometry to compare against. minOccurs = 1 maxOccurs = 1 mimeType = text/xml schema = http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd encoding = UTF-8 mimeType = text/xml encoding = base64 schema = http://fooa/gml/3.1.0/polygon.xsd [Result] Title = Contains result Abstract = A value true or false if the geometry1 contains the geometry2. title = Mon test dataType=boolean