Title = Extract elevation values along a line.
Abstract = Fetch the x,y,z values of a DEM raster file along a linestring
processVersion = 1
storeSupported = true
statusSupported = true
serviceType = C
serviceProvider = profile_service.zo
title = My Demo
Title = The name of the MNT file
Abstract = The file containing elevation model relative to the dataPath defined in the ZOO-Project main configuration file.
minOccurs = 0
maxOccurs = 1
DataType = string
value = topofr.tif
Title = The path to calaculate profile
Abstract = The input data source name to use as source for convertion.
minOccurs = 1
maxOccurs = 1
mimeType = application/json
encoding = UTF-8
extension = js
asReference = true
mimeType = application/json
encoding = UTF-8
Title = The resulting profile
Abstract = GeoJSON string containing the X Y Z values where (X,Y) is corresponding to the original coordinates and the elevation value.
mimeType = application/json
encoding = UTF-8
extension = js
mimeType = application/json
encoding = UTF-8