.. _kernel-sagagis: Optional SAGA GIS support ====================== `SAGA GIS `_ provides a comprehensive set of geoscientific methods and spatial algorithms. The optional SAGA GIS support is available since `ZOO-Project 1.5 `__. It allows to execute the `SAGA Modules `_ directly as ZOO WPS Services thanks to a :ref:`kernel_index` specific internal mechanism which is detailed in this section. .. note:: |saga| `SAGA GIS `__ is the System for Automated Geoscientific Analyses. Learn more on official `website `__. .. |saga| image:: ../_static/sagagis.png :height: 100px :width: 100px :scale: 45% :alt: SAGA GIS logo How does it work ? ------------------------- Installation and configuration ------------------------------ Follow the step described bellow in order to activate the ZOO-Project optional SAGA GIS support. Prerequisites ............. * latest `ZOO-Kernel `_ trunk version * SAGA GIS (`SAGA-GIS 2.1.4 `_ ) * libLAS-1.2 (`LibLAS-1.2 `_ ) Installation steps ........................... .. Note:: These installation steps were successfully tested on Ubuntu 14.4 LTS Download lastest ZOO-Kernel code from SVN. .. code-block:: guess svn checkout http://svn.zoo-project.org/svn/trunk/zoo-kernel zoo-kernel Then compile ZOO-Kernel using the needed configuration options as shown bellow: .. code-block:: guess cd zoo-kernel autoconf ./configure --with-saga=/usr/local/ make And copy the newly created zoo_loader.cgi to ``/usr/lib/cgi-bin`` : .. code-block:: guess cp zoo_loader.cgi /usr/lib/cgi-bin Configuration steps ************************* Main configuration file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add the following content to your ``/usr/lib/cgi-bin/main.cfg`` file in the ``[env]`` section: .. code-block:: guess ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH=/usr/local/lib/otb/applications Services configuration file ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The build of the `otb2zcfg `_ utility is required to activate the available OTB Applications as WPS services. This can be done using the following command: .. code-block:: guess mkdir build cd build ccmake .. make Run the following command to generate all the needed zcfg files for the available OTB Application: .. code-block:: guess mkdir zcfgs cd zcfgs export ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH=/your/path/to/otb/applications ../build/otb2zcfg mkdir /location/to/your/cgi-bin/OTB cp *zcfg /location/to/your/cgi-bin/OTB .. warning The ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH environment variable is required in the [env] section of your main.cfg. Test the ZOO SAGA support ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Once done, OTB Applications should be listed as available WPS Services when runing a GetCapabilities request .. code-block:: guess http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?request=GetCapabilities&service=WPS Each OTB Service can then be described individually using the DescribeProcess request, as for example: .. code-block:: guess http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?request=DescribeProcess&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=OTB.BandMath And executed according to your needs, as for the following example executing OTB.BandMath with the OTB sample data as input .. code-block:: guess http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi?request=Execute&service=WPS&version=1.0.0&Identifier=OTB.BandMath&DataInputs=il=Reference@xlink:href=http://hg.orfeo-toolbox.org/OTB-Data/raw-file/ca154074b282/Examples/verySmallFSATSW.tif;il=Reference@xlink:href=http://hg.orfeo-toolbox.org/OTB-Data/raw-file/ca154074b282/Examples/verySmallFSATSW_nir.tif;out=float;exp=im1b3*cos%28im1b1%29,im1b2*cos%28im1b1%29,im1b1*cos%28im1b1%29&RawDataOutput=out@mimeType=image/png When executing OTB applications as WPS Services, it is also possible to check the OTB process status, using the usual ZOO GetStatus request.