= PSC meeting 19n = The PSC meeting will be on irc.freenode.net in the #zoo-project channel. If some IRC problem occur, the meeting will be exceptionally held on Skype. == Date == Monday, 16 November 2015 [http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?year=2015&month=11&day=16&hour=13&min=0&sec=0 at, 13:00 UTC] == Agenda == * ZOO-Project presentation status (including MapMint) * Future plans (new website, priorities etc) * others == Summary == The main points which were discussed during this meeting was: * release of ZOO-1.6 in early 2016 * ZOO-1.6 will support Mapserver 7. * GDAL 2.0 will be supported in future releases after other packages like SAGA start supporting them, some implementation to support both versions at the same time will be investigated * ZOO-Website will be updated before 15 Dec 2015. Nick will be the leader. Please volunteer to help * !MapMint will be displayed in ZOO-Project site and will be a part of the ZOO-Project Suite in the future. * ZOO-Discuss and ZOO-PSC ML will also be used for MM * !MapMint documentation. Nick, Venka and need more volunteers [http://zoo-project.org/irclogs/psc_meeting18.log irc log]