Version 3 (modified by djay, 9 years ago)


ZOO-Project GSoC Ideas

Enter ideas for development projects here. 'Note these are just suggestions - students are welcome to propose projects based on their own interests that involve the ZOO-Project.

Any member of the ZOO-Project or developers are welcome to add their names as mentor in any places or their own ideas on this page.

ZOO-Services implementation using pyModis

Involved projects


On one hand, the ZOO-Project has proven long time support for the services implemented using the Python language. On the other hand, the pyModis project has been developed and used to work with MODIS data. The project provides User Interfaces (UI) based on wxPython which is able to interact with pyModis scripts.

The first goal of this GSoC project is to create WPS Services based on each of the available pyModis scripts. Those services should provide the ongoing status of the execution during the execution to make the client able to know the current state of the service and its evolution.

The ZOO-Project provides the ZOO-Client, a JavaScript API, which is already able to automatically generate HTML forms for every available service. Examples of such an automatic HTML forms creation are available in the following demonstration UI: 1 and 2.

The second goal of this GSoC project is to create User Interfaces to interact with the pyModis WPS services by taking advantages of the existing ZOO-Client and its templating system.


The following individuals are willing to serve as ZOO-Project mentors or co-mentors.

  • Gérald Fenoy as mentor
  • Luca Delucchi as co-mentor

ZOO-Project powered Java through JGrasstools

Involved projects


The ZOO-Project is a solid WPS server able to handle services implemented in various different programming languages. The Java bindings have never been tested in advanced configurations and complex data types. The JGrasstools project is a modular processing library and its highly annotated nature makes it possible to adapt quite easily to other toolboxes. One example has been the adaptation to the Geotools Process API. The JGrasstools project, as well as other java based projects (as JTS and even GeoTools) would benefit a lot from the possibility to be used within a WPS environment. The proposal is to bring the Java binding to a mature level and validate them by integrating the JGrasstools libraries. This will allow them to work inside the ZOO-Project and serve its modules under the WPS standard.


The following individuals are willing to serve as ZOO-Project mentors or co-mentors.

  • Gérald Fenoy as mentor
  • Andrea Antonello as co-mentor

Moving the ZOO-Kernel JavaScript support from SpiderMonkey to V8

When the ZOO-Project decided to implement the JavaScript in 2009, SpiderMonkey was a well-known technology. Nevertheless, time has changed and now the Google V8 implementation is now becoming more and more popular over the year.

The goal of this GSoC project is to provide an optional V8 support for the ZOO-Kernel. The main goal is to provide a similar implementation to the one already available. So to say, the goal is to provide an implementation which can support the exact same ZOO-Services already existing and implemented using the JavaScript language with the V8 engine in place of the current SpiderMonkey implementation.

For this purpose, the implementation should be able to load the following JavaScripts files: ZOO-API and ZOO-prj4js. The C functions exposed to the JavaScript language should also be available, they are: alert, ZOOTranslate, ZOORequest, ZOOUpdateStatus and importScripts.


The following individuals are willing to serve as ZOO-Project mentors.

  • Gérald Fenoy as mentor


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