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There are many animals in the ZOO. It takes time and energy to grow, feed and give support to all of them. Please consider a micro donation to help the ZOO-Tribe enhancing and maintaining the ZOO-Project open source platform.
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ZOO-Project 1.5.0 is released ! http://t.co/CJqknte6tu #WPS @ZOO_Project @foss4ge #foss4ge @OSGeo @opengeospatial pic.twitter.com/ZLYUWaACGi— ZOO_Project (@ZOO_Project) 10 Juillet 2015
ZOO-Project 1.5.0 is released ! http://t.co/CJqknte6tu #WPS @ZOO_Project @foss4ge #foss4ge @OSGeo @opengeospatial pic.twitter.com/ZLYUWaACGi