ZooWebSite/2015/ZOO-Project/ZOO Tribe

Version 58 (modified by nickboz, 10 years ago)


ZOO Tribe

ZOO-Project community

The ZOO Tribe is the ZOO-Project community gathering a growing number of users and developers distributed worldwide. It is mostly composed of GIS experts, programmers and researchers building the ZOO ecosystem. The ZOO Tribe is a public and democratic group open to anybody interested in WPS or related topics.

ZOO Tribal Council

Project Steering Committee

ZOO Tribal Council (ZTC) is the ZOO-Project steering committee.

ZTC is managing the open source software project according to a documented process.

ZTC is chaired by Gérald FENOY.

ZTC members are listed here by alphabetical order.

First Name Last Name Organization Country
Nicolas BOZON GeoLabs France
Maria BROVELLI Politecnico di Milano Italy
Massimilano CANNATA SUPSI Italy
Gérald FENOY GeoLabs France
Hirofumi HAYASHI Applied Technologies Japan
Daniel KASTL GeoRepublic Japan
Jeff McKENNA Gateway Geomatics Canada
Markus NETELER Fondazione Edmund Mach Italy
Venkatesh RAGHAVAN Osaka City University Japan
Angelos TZOTSOS National Technical University of Athens Greece

ZOO Keepers

ZOO Developers

ZOO Developers are building, fixing and enhancing the ZOO-Project components using their knowledge and commit privileges.

An individual becomes a certified ZOO Developer after related vote by the ZTC.

ZOO Developers are listed here by alphabetical order.

First Name Last Name Organization Country
Nicolas BOZON GeoLabs France
Trevor CLARKE Ball Aerospace USA
Luca DELUCCHI Fondazione Edmund Mach Italy
Gérald FENOY GeoLabs France
Knut LANDMARK Norwegian Defence Research Norway
Jeff McKENNA Gateway Geomatics Canada
Marco NEGRETTI Politecnico di Milano Italy
Markus NETELER Fondazione Edmund Mach Italy
David SAGGIORATO Cleolys France
Angelos TZOTSOS National Technical University of Athens Greece


ZOO Sponsors

http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/geolabs-logo.pnghttp://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/neogeo-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/apptech-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/3liz-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/gateway-logo.png

Become a sponsor !

Knowledge partners

http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/ocu-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/gucas-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/polimi-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/fem-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/supsi-logo.png http://www.zoo-project.org/trac/chrome/site/img/cumtb-logo.png

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Related links

http://zoo-project.org/img/ogclogo.png http://zoo-project.org/img/osgeologo.png