= ZOO Services introduction = ZOO Services are example webservices which work with [http://svn.zoo-project.org/index.php?left=ZooKernel/Introduction ZOO Kernel]. They are based on various existing open source librairies and tend to provide simple web processing functions such as GIS format conversion, GIS file reprojection, basic spatial operations, basic raster operations... The available ZOO Services are under development and come without any warranty. They are based on existing code and prove that [http://svn.zoo-project.org/index.php?left=ZooKernel/Introduction ZOO Kernel] works with many different codes and languages (please have a look to the ZOO demos !). The ZOO Project team want to encourage people to use the ZOO Services as a functionnal basis for web processing, but above all to provide a source of inspiration to the community for creating new ZOO Services. = What is a ZOO Service ? = A ZOO Service is a couple composed of: * The code you want to turn into a standardized webservice * A configuration file (.zcfg) which describes this webservice Learn more on ZOO services configuration reading the [http://svn.zoo-project.org/index.php?left=ZooServices/ZCFGReference .zcfg Reference] = Example ZOO Services = [http://svn.zoo-project.org/index.php?left=sampleservice See ZOO Services examples page]