Ticket #43 (closed defect: fixed)

Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

Unable to specify mimeType or to choose ResponseForm for output

Reported by: djay Owned by: reluc
Priority: major Milestone: 1.2.0
Component: zoo-api Version:
Keywords: Cc:


When using the ZOO-API I noticed that I cannot specify any options for the output format, something similar to the buildDataInputsNode should be providen for the outputs.

Change History

  Changed 13 years ago by djay

  • status changed from new to closed
  • resolution set to fixed

To solve this issue, a new buildDataOutputsNode}} function was defined. It is used by {{{ZOO.Process.Execute which now take two arguments: inputs and outputs.

So now, the following JavaScript code works:

  var myProcess = new ZOO.Process('http://localhost/cgi-bin/zoo_loader.cgi','BufferPy');

  var myInputs = {InputPolygon: { type: 'complex', value: '{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-106.993853,35.998758],[-107.407233,35.997524],[-107.430525,35.997726],[-107.4824,35.99878],[-106.963008,35.994743],[-106.993853,35.998758]]]}', mimeType: "application/json"} };

  var myOutputs= {Result: { type: 'ResponseDocument', "mimeType": "application/json" }};
  var myExecuteResult=myProcess.Execute(myInputs,myOutputs);

This fix was commited into SVN rev. 274.

follow-up: ↓ 3   Changed 13 years ago by jmckenna

djay: I believe this means that the docs for the ZOO-API should be updated with this new function correct? If I am correct, please open a new ticket for this document change, and include the details that you need documented (and make sure to select the "Documentation" component in the ticket).

in reply to: ↑ 2   Changed 13 years ago by djay

Replying to jmckenna:

jmckenna: You are correct, i just created a new ticket #58 for this purpose.

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.


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